St-Charles Podiatry Clinic

The mission of the St-Charles Podiatry Clinic

Plantar Warts Understanding, Treating, and Preventing

Plantar Warts Understanding, Treating, and Preventing

Plantar warts, a scourge as old as medicine itself, continue to trouble those afflicted by them. Caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), these skin lesions, although generally benign, can cause significant discomfort. To understand their...

Choosing the Right Shoes for Babies A Complete Guide

Choosing the Right Shoes for Babies A Complete Guide

Context and Importance of choosing the right shoes for babies The choice of a baby's first shoes is a pivotal moment in a child's development. Historically, baby shoes have significantly evolved from simple slippers to increasingly...

Claw Toe

Claw Toe

Podiatric conditions such as claw toes and hammer toes present common challenges in clinical practice. Although distinct, these pathologies share characteristics and significantly impact patient quality of life. A brief history of hammer toes, with...

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails, a common issue in podiatric clinics, frequently cause pain and discomfort. Historically, treatments have evolved from rudimentary methods to refined medical approaches. Anatomically, an ingrown toenail occurs when the nail's edge...

Plantar Fasciitis Understanding, Preventing, and Treating

Plantar Fasciitis Understanding, Preventing, and Treating

When a patient comes to the podiatrist with heel pain, it is common to find that this pain stems from a condition called plantar fasciitis. While less well-known than other foot conditions like bunions or hammer toe, it is equally distressing and...

Hammer Toes: A Deep Look into This Deformity

Hammer Toes: A Deep Look into This Deformity

When we think of feet, toes often don't make it to the forefront of our concerns. However, these small appendages play a pivotal role in our daily mobility. Picture a pianist without agile fingers or an artist without their brush. Similarly, our...