Plantar Warts: What You Need to Know

Summer is here and that means swimming season is in full swing, which in turn, means the risk of contracting plantar warts is present. However, contrary to popular belief, plantar warts are rarely transmitted at the edge of a pool because of the high concentration of chlorine that is present there.

So where is the real risk of catching them? Are they really as contagious as we think? And finally, how can we get rid of them once and for all and avoid infecting the rest of our family? In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about how to prevent contracting plantar warts so that you can fully enjoy the summer season.


Plantar warts are a common problems caused by the Human Papillomavirus. They are transmitted in damp environments where we walk barefoot. Of course, swimming pool locker rooms immediately jump to mind as such places, but fitting rooms in clothing stores are another good example.

When we remove our sandals to try on clothing, the virus seizes the opportunity to infiltrate the body via dry cracked skin on the soles of the feet and causes plantar warts. These first appear as a small hole, and eventually develop into a small cauliflower-like growth with tiny black dots at the center.

Plantar warts usually occur on the soles of the feet or on the heels. They often go unnoticed at first because they are small and initially painless. However, they soon cause discomfort and are easily transmissive through direct or indirect contact.


Although plantar warts are generally not dangerous to our health, they do present certain significant risks that should not be ignored. They can become very sensitive, even painful, with time and with the weight of the body bearing down on them. In order to mitigate this discomfort, we often tend to modify the way we walk, which could engender postural problems.

A plantar wart could also multiply into a cluster. Your foot can therefore be infected with not just one, but with several warts. This is why effective treatment is necessary to relive discomfort and stop the contagion, notably for the people with whom you live.


Yes, plantar warts are contagious, regardless of their size. To prevent transmission to a member of your family, avoid walking barefoot and disinfect surfaces that come in contact with the wart(s) using isopropyl alcohol. Obviously, until you’ve been treated by a podiatrist, never share your bath towel or any other exposed item, and wash your hands thoroughly.


There are different treatments available for the elimination plantar warts. Whether you require an injection, application of acid or liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy), laser cauterization, or an anti-wart product, our podiatrists will prescribe the best course of action for your particular case.

Since plantar warts are very thick lesions and are difficult to reach, over-the-counter products sold in pharmacies are sometimes insufficient to completely overcome the problem. Home remedies are also often ineffective or can even make the problem worse.

You would be better off making an appointment with one of our podiatrists and getting the best treatment to counter the infection and making sure that you don’t infect those around you.

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