To prevent dry feet in the winter it is important to drink more water, moisturize your feet with ceramide-based creams and take a paraffin bath to avoid cracks and ulcers on your feet.

We all know that winter is a season where our skin is at its driest level. Indeed, the air is drier, and the heating of our homes and buildings multiplies the unpleasant feelings that can be connected to dryness, such as tingling or cracking your skin.

So if you find your skin is a little bit itchier than usual, it’s important to hydrate it. Drinking water is an excellent way to be more hydrated, but you will also need to moisturize your skin as often as possible. And do not forget your feet!

Our first piece of advice would be to keep your feet moisturized at all time. We recommend that you prioritize moisturizers that have a ceramide base (lipids, therefore oils, naturally present in the skin and essentials to maintain the skin barrier and retain moisture) and urea (a substance naturally produced by the skin called ′′natural hydration factors′). Cerave and Eucerin brands, among others, can be found over the counter and offer products that contain these ingredients.

Prevent dry feet the second recommendation

Would be to choose a moisturizing cream rather than a moisturizing lotion. And yes, there is a real difference between both! According to The Northstar Dermathology, lotions are typically lighter and less greasy than creams. With higher water content, lotions are a mix of water and oil drops. A lotion is quickly absorbed by the skin and is good for normal to slightly dry skin. Additionally, a lotion is ideal as summer and warmer months’ skincare product.

Creams are also a mix of water and oil, but it is a 50/50 mix, which means that creams provide a heavier barrier for keeping your skin hydrated. Creams tend to feel greasier than lotions because they contain more oil than lotions. Creams are best for very dry skin. It is also an ideal skincare product for winter and cold months.

A paraffin bath is a good option to moisturize your feet even better! Paraffin bath consists of paraffin wax, which has been used for centuries to treat skin and even bone-affecting health issues, such as osteoarthritis and rheumatism. They can be found in most large-surface retailers near you. Paraffin baths will not only make your feet softer and prettier, they will also treat the dryness issue effectively. Indeed, this method improves blood circulation and can reduce joint pain and inflammation. Girod Medical blog explains the steps to follow for a beneficial paraffin bath in length.

Finally for prevent dry feet

Those with a predisposition to suffer from foot corn need to pay greater attention to their feet. If your skin thickens and remains very dry, it risks cracking and causing ulcers, which can lead you to infections. Foot care can then make all the difference. For total foot care or tips for types of cream, feel free to come and see us at the clinic! Our podiatrists can also prescribe more specialized creams for your condition. Taking care of your feet should be one of your priorities!

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