Foot Problems and Diseases test
Ingrown toenails occur when the nail has been badly cut or simply cut too short. This is a common problem that can affect any nail, but more often that of the big toe. The nail irritates the surrounding skin and the situation can get worse and become an infection.
The corns are a thickening of the skin, with an often painful core. They are more often found in areas where the pressure on the foot is greater. Corns can grow under the feet or between the toes.
The corns are a thickening of the skin, with an often painful core. They are more often found in areas where the pressure on the foot is greater. Corns can grow under the feet or between the toes.
A plantar wart is the result of a skin infection. It resembles a small bulging point. Contamination occurs through direct contact of the virus on the skin. It is transmitted by an infected person, often in public places, such as swimming pools, spas, gymnasiums, etc.
Onychomycosis, nail fungus, commonly known as nail fungi, is a nail infection created by harmful microorganisms. Infection occurs mainly in the feet, as these opportunistic microorganisms develop mainly in the presence of moisture, heat and darkness.
Onychomycosis, nail fungus, commonly known as nail fungi, is a nail infection created by harmful microorganisms. Infection occurs mainly in the feet, as these opportunistic microorganisms develop mainly in the presence of moisture, heat and darkness.
Athlete’s foot is an infection caused by microorganisms that directly attack the skin of the feet. It is found between the toes and also below the feet. It is recognized by its reddish appearance, sometimes with cracks and often causing itching. Athlete foot infection is triggered by moisture, heat and darkness.
The hallux abducto-valgus (HAV, bunion) is a bony deviation that appears on the side of the feet. This is a painful condition because of the pressure of the shoes in the big toe. This deformation is gradual and imposes itself over time.
The hallux abducto-valgus (HAV, bunion) is a bony deviation that appears on the side of the feet. This is a painful condition because of the pressure of the shoes in the big toe. This deformation is gradual and imposes itself over time.
The hammer toe is characterized by deformity of the joints of the toe. The toe folds and is elevated compared to others, which is normally caused by muscle imbalance, a disease such as diabetes or a neurological condition. It can also be caused by wearing the wrong shoes.
Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the plantar fascia, the fibrous band that connects the bone from the heel to the toes and passes through the arch of the foot. The plantar fascia plays a supporting role in the arch of the foot. Its inflammation usually causes pain in the heel, especially when it gets up.
Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the plantar fascia, the fibrous band that connects the bone from the heel to the toes and passes through the arch of the foot. The plantar fascia plays a supporting role in the arch of the foot. Its inflammation usually causes pain in the heel, especially when it gets up.
Heel spur or Lenoir’s thorn is an outgrowth that lies in the heel bone (not to be confused with plantar fasciitis). It is present in a rarer part of the population and can be diagnosed by x-rays. It is not painful. Rather, it is the inflammation of the fascia that will cause the pain.
Flat feet are a physical condition characterized by the sagging of the arch when you are standing. Your foot is therefore leaning on a larger area on the ground.
Flat feet are a physical condition characterized by the sagging of the arch when you are standing. Your foot is therefore leaning on a larger area on the ground.
Our podiatrists treat everything related to the feet! If you think you have a foreign object in your foot, you can make an appointment to have a clear heart.
A foot care is a frequent maintenance of your feet. It is called the “medical pedicure” and includes several steps for a complete and effective treatment.
A foot care is a frequent maintenance of your feet. It is called the “medical pedicure” and includes several steps for a complete and effective treatment.
Ulcers are open wounds. If left untreated, they can lead to serious infections. They are mainly caused by poor circulation at the tips of the toes or an injury that has difficulty healing.
Our podiatrists treat all foot pain, whether in the heels, ankles or toes. They are able to make an accurate diagnosis and provide the necessary care to solve the problem and get rid of the pain.
Our podiatrists treat all foot pain, whether in the heels, ankles or toes. They are able to make an accurate diagnosis and provide the necessary care to solve the problem and get rid of the pain.
Whether it’s because you’re looking for expertise in relation to a particular problem or just to answer your questions, you can make an appointment with one of our podiatrists for an evaluation.
Our podiatrists are here to advise you.
Do you have any doubts about your or your child’s approach? Wondering what type of shoes to choose or the cream to use to moisturize your skin? Make an appointment with one of our podiatrists to benefit from their expertise.
If you have any doubts about the health of your feet or that of someone close to you, the podiatrists at the St-Charles Podiatric Clinic are here to help.
Make an appointment today!
(Reference: Ordre des podiatres du Québec)
Our podiatrists are here to advise you.
Do you have any doubts about your or your child’s approach? Wondering what type of shoes to choose or the cream to use to moisturize your skin? Make an appointment with one of our podiatrists to benefit from their expertise.
If you have any doubts about the health of your feet or that of someone close to you, the podiatrists at the St-Charles Podiatric Clinic are here to help.
Make an appointment today!
(Reference: Ordre des podiatres du Québec)
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Our team is qualified to take care of your feet, regardless of your condition. Make an appointment now to get your personalized consultation!